Monday, December 6, 2010

Interview Photography

Hello all! I apologize for having not posted much sooner than this. I do believe, however, that I have a good reason for being absent. I broke my ankle. However, that means I can't go anywhere. So maybe that isn't a good reason.

Anyway, onto the interview!


I had the privilege today of photographing an interview with famous Pianist David "Little D" Maynard. (Yes. My nephew.) He is a world renowned pianist and I enjoyed the interview greatly! This post will consist of pictures going along with parts of the interview.


Little D Warms up with Manager David "Big D" Knopp-

Little D begins...

Little D gets into his music!

Little D Describes Beethoven-

At this point the interviewer began to ask some more personal questions-

Little D Describes his childhood...

Little D Describes his palates class-


So there you have it readers! A little photographic look into the life of...

Little D.


  1. AH.

    I totally just fangirl-squee'd. (Definitely not a word.) It's my fave Daves!

  2. Too stinkin' cute! You are a lucky uncle! = ]

  3. You are a great photographer, Justin. Of course with subject matter like that--you can't lose.

  4. I love it!! So, so, so cute! :) great job!

  5. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I appreciate it when I know my readers are... reading. I take great pride in my nephew. As I sure many people understand. So I like to make him look as amazing as possible.

    Thanks again and God bless!

